Medical Law and Bioethics “Minor’s Health: Legal, Medical and Bioethical Aspects”

Πιστοποιημένο πρόγραμμα επιμόρφωσης από το με θεματολογία

The Center for Education and Lifelong Learning of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki welcomes you to the 8th International Summer School: Medical Law and Bioethics “MINORS’ HEALTH : LEGAL, MEDICAL AND BIOETHICAL ASPECTS”, a 40-hour course which will take place in hybrid format (on-site and remotely via ZOOM platform)

The Director of the Programme is Triantafyllia (Lina) Papadopoulou, Professor, Faculty of  Law, AUTh, Vice-Director of the Laboratory for the Research of Medical Law and Bioethics.


The aim of the programme which is co-organized with the National Bioethics and Technoethics Commission is to analyze Minors and the Right to Consent to Health Care, Confidentiality in the Health Care of Minors, The Best Interest of the Child in Health Care Decisions, Minors and Addictions (drugs, alcohol, tobacco etc), Teenagers’ Access to Abortion: Medical -bioethical-legal aspects, Minors Access to Contraceptive Services, Trans children: Legal and Bioethical Issues, Should There Be a Minimum Age for Gender Transition, Minors as Solid-Organ Donors/Savior Siblings, HIV-Infected Children, Euthanasia for Terminally Ill Children and Newborns, Mandatory vaccination: navigation from ‘social solidarity’ (ECtHR case Vavřička) to other values, Health issues in unaccompanied refugee minors, Mental health and psychosocial support for unaccompanied minors, Ethics of Genetic Testing in Children, Children’s Vaccination & Immunization, Medicinal Products for Paediatric Use, Ethical Implications of Pediatric Clinical Trials etc.


The aim is to approach each issue in an interdisciplinary way, combining the findings of Law and Medical Science with Bioethics, so as to illuminate all aspects of crucial issues that concern not only the scientific community, but also everyday life. The programme is conducted in English in order to enable the participation of stakeholders from abroad with the aim of discussing and analyzing these issues not only nationally but also internationally.

 Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to understand Minors and the Right to Consent to Health Care, Confidentiality in the Health Care of Minors, The Best Interest of the Child in Health Care Decisions, Minors and Addictions (drugs, alcohol, tobacco etc), Teenagers’ Access to Abortion: Medical -bioethical-legal aspects, Minors Access to Contraceptive Services, Trans children: Legal and Bioethical Issues, Should There Be a Minimum Age for Gender Transition, Minors as Solid-Organ Donors/Savior Siblings, HIV-Infected Children, Euthanasia for Terminally Ill Children and Newborns, Mandatory vaccination: navigation from ‘social solidarity’ (ECtHR case Vavřička) to other values, Health issues in unaccompanied refugee minors, Mental health and psychosocial support for unaccompanied minors, Ethics of Genetic Testing in Children, Children’s Vaccination & Immunization, Medicinal Products for Paediatric Use, Ethical Implications of Pediatric Clinical Trials etc.

 Participant selection & Requirements

The programme is addressed mainly to graduates of Law & Medicine Schools as well as any other School with relevant interests (Biology, Theology, Dentistry, Philosophy, etc.) and generally to adults who deal with these topics. Selection shall be made by point award.

Prerequisites for participation in the programme:

  • Internet access for the participants who will attend the courses remotely


The programme will take place in hybrid format (on-site and remotely via ZOOM platform).

 Educational Material

The course provides participants with:

  1. 1.Electronic material
  2. lectures’ presentations
  3. court decisions
  4. Material for workshops
  5. Case studies

You can find the Course Description here.

Evaluation/ Certificate

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded a Certificate of Completion. For the successful completion of the programme, the participants should:

  1. have attended all the teaching units. Absences may not exceed 10% of the scheduled training hours.
  2. have passed the exams

Participants, who have attended but not completed successfully, will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance.

Participation fees/Discount

The tuition fees amount to EUR 100,00 for students of all levels and EUR 150,00 for jurists and health professionals for entries up to April 30th, 2023 and to EUR 130,00 and EUR 180,00 respectively for entries up to May 31st, 2023.


Candidates can submit the application online here from 1/1/23 to 31/5/23.

Each application has to be accompanied by the following document or copies:

  1. Proof of payment of tuition fees, which is attached to the application, in the account 5202-057157-381 Piraeus Bank

International Bank Account Number (IBAN): GR94 0172 2020 0052 0205 7157 381

Code Bic (SWIFT address) PIRBGRAΑ

It should be noted that the proof of payment should contain the following information:

– The code 75350

– The name of the depositor, status, VAT number, address and telephone number for subsequent issue of invoice.


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