Experimental Design and Analysis of Data from Animal Experiments

Πιστοποιημένο πρόγραμμα επιμόρφωσης από το με θεματολογία

Experimental Design and Analysis of Data from Animal Experiments


The Center for Education and Lifelong Learning of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki welcomes you to the, “Experimental Design and Analysis of Data from Animal Experiments” seminar, a 21,25 -hour f2f course which will take place at the “Professor V. Katsougiannopoulos” Room at the Laboratory of Hygiene, Social and Preventive Medicine and Medical Statistics, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.

The Director of the Programme is Dr. Anastasia Tsingotjidou, DVM, PhD, Associate Professor at the Laboratory of Anatomy, Histology and Embryology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece with longstanding experience in experimental protocols using animal models.

Start Date:                           13/12/2022

End of the course:              15/12/2022

Duration:                             21,25 educational hours

ECTS: 1,5

Applications are submitted online here from 12/9/2022 to 1/12/2022


The use of animals in research is regulated by the principle of 3Rs (= Replacement, Reduction, Refinement), according to which in every research experiment that uses animals, replacement (= there is no other way than the use of animals to achieve the purpose of the study), reduction (= all measures have been taken to use as small a number of animals as possible for the correct outcome of the research problem), and refinement (= that all efforts have been made for the welfare of the animals used in the research) must be considered.  According to the above, the aim of the program is to train everyone involved in animal experimentation in the proper way of experimental design and subsequent data analysis. Knowing the necessary number of animals in research is the only way that the use of animals is done correctly with the scientifically sound result.


The mandatory fields in the European Legislation on animals used for research purposes are listed at the official EU website: https://ec.europa.eu/environment/chemicals/lab_animals/index_en.htm. In that respect, every researcher needs to know, before writing a research protocol, basic principles for its design, as well as the ways of correct data analysis, which are two interconnected conditions. There are several websites on the internet that refer to this process: https://eda.nc3rs.org.uk/experimental-design, as well as guidelines: https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/ 0023677217724823, which should be followed for a proper experimentation. All these online aids cannot replace the f2f teaching of the subject, which is based on multiple questions with answers from the participants. For this reason, the seminar comes to fill a gap in the Greek scientific community. The lecturers are from the field of medical sciences or have special knowledge of statistical processing.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the course, participants will learn:

1. design for research reproducibility2. basic principles of animal experimentation3. basic principles of quantitative comparison4. the basic mistakes in experimental design5. practices for quantitative comparison6. defining the 3Rs in experimental design7. the 3Rs in the experimental program8. the size of the experimental unit9. the statistical tools for quantitative comparison

Participant selection & Requirements

The seminar is aimed at those who intend to use animals in their research, as PhD candidates, postgraduate students, and postdoctoral researchers. They may belong to the health sciences: doctors, veterinarians, dentists, and pharmacists, as well as to the biological sciences, or from the field of psychology and engineering, who need animal experiments for their research. In addition, it also concerns scientists who have already used animals, who would be well informed about the new data on experimental design and data analysis.

A laptop will be necessary to participate in the course, in order to run the statistics software, along with a personal email account. The free software InVivoStat wil be used for exemplification of data analysis, and should be downloaded from this page. Examples on how to perform the analyses with SPSS will also be provided, for those using this software.

Participants will be selected based on their CV and their relationship to experimental design using animals. In the event that more people are interested in participating in the seminar, they will be selected by a priority order.


The seminar, a 21,25 -hour f2f course which will take place at the “Professor V. Katsougiannopoulos” Room at the Laboratory of Hygiene, Social and Preventive Medicine and Medical Statistics, School of Medicine, Faculty of Health Sciences, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece.

At the end of each session the participants will form 3-4 persons working groups and they will be invited to solve problems and various hypothetical exercises. Subsequently, an exchange between the views of the different groups will be issued.

Educational Material

The course provides participants with:

  1. ppt presentations of the lectures
  2. printed material for the working groups
  3. bibliography from the lecturers (tentative): https://uk.sagepub.com/en-gb/eur/the-design-of-animal-experiments/book252408,


Course Description


Title and description of the learning moduleTitle and description of the sessions HoursLecturer
Planning for reproducibility in animal research       1Nuno Franco
Quiz 1  Experimental questions; objectives; testable hypotheses  0,5Derek Fry
Basic concepts for animal experimentationExperimental questions; objectives; testable hypotheses  Controls/comparisons, replication, randomisation + blinding Experimental units  0,75Derek Fry
Group Discussion 1:  Controls/comparisons, Experimental units     1Derek Fry
Basic concepts for Quantitative Comparison         Descriptive statistics (Types of data)

Probability distributions
Sampling distributions

    1Pedro Oliveira
Exercise 1: Types of experimental data normal distributionsData transformation

Introduction to InVivoStat

    0,75Pedro Oliveira
Common errors in design     0,5Derek Fry
Group Discussion 2Design errors    0,75Derek Fry
Quantitative Comparison: practicalities


Descriptive statistics (Types of data)  Assumptions in Statistical Comparisons: independence, normality and homogeneity of variances

Data transformation

Comparing groups, Independence of data and pseudoreplication

   1,5Pedro Oliveira
Quantitative Comparison: practicalities (cont.)


Confidence intervals

Hypothesis testing (null and alternative hypothesis)

   1,25Pedro Oliveira
3Rs aspects of design


Choosing a disease model. Replacement considerations. Refinement in design.

Controlling variability. The concept of blocking

Basic designs:  fully randomised, randomised block, factorial and cross-over designs

    1Derek Fry
Group Discussion 3:Blocks and design options1Derek Fry
3Rs in an experimental programme 


   0,25Derek Fry
Quiz 2   0,5Derek Fry
Quiz 2 answers and discussion   0,5Derek Fry
Exercise 2Using Excel and InVivoStat:

Randomizing; data entry for a two-group comparison; useful transformations

0,75Pedro Oliveira
Sizing an experiment0,5Derek Fry
Quantitative Comparison: statistical tools


Partitioning variability (t-test and its limitations)

Analysis of variance – ANOVA (one-way and two-way).   Assumptions (normality and homogeneity of variances)

   1Pedro Oliveira
Quantitative Comparison: statistical toolsPost-hoc multiple comparisons

Factorial and Randomised Block Designs

Power and sample size

Power analysis with G-power and InVivoStat

  1,25Pedro Oliveira
Quantitative Comparison: further tools


Non parametric methods

Analysis of covariance;

Multiway analysis of variance;

Hierarchical (nested)

Repeated measures analysis

2Pedro Oliveira




For the successful completion of the programme, the participants should:

  • have attended all the teaching units. Absences may not exceed 10% of the scheduled training hours and must be justified.
  • have paid all the tuition fees by 03 October 2022


A certificate of attendance will be assigned to attendees participating in all lectures and exercises. A final exam will be carried out, and for those passing the exam, a certificate stating the passing of an exam will be issued.

Participants, who have partially attended the seminar or did not complete the exams successfully, will be awarded a Certificate of Attendance.

The Certificate will be signed by the President of the AUTh Center of Education and Lifelong Learning and the organizer of the seminar.

Participation fees/Discount

Cost:                                    300 euros * you will be informed via email from the director of the programme

Discount:                             Discount policy, provided at the Center of Education website, and is as follows:

30% discount

  • Staff/Faculty working in the National Higher Education Institutes and Research Centers
  • University students
  • Unemployed
  • European Youth Card holders
  • Disabled
  • Multi-child parent or members of a multi-child family


 15% discount

  • Graduates of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh)
  • Those who attended a Center for Education and Lifelong Learning programme in the past
  • Group registrations of 4 people or more in the same programme


For the provision of the discount, the application must be accompanied by the necessary supporting documents.


Candidates can submit the application form online here , at the website of the AUTh Center of Education and Lifelong Learning.

Each application has to be accompanied by the applicant’s CV stating the involvement in the use of animals in research. Supporting documents can be sent to the following email: [email protected]

In the event that the minimum required number of trainees is not gathered, AUTh Center of Education and Lifelong Learning reserves the right to change the start date of the program or to cancel it.


For further information, please contact:

Anastasia Tsingotjidou,

email: [email protected]

cell phone: +30 6945772198


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